Sara North, PT, DPT, PhD, M.Ed., FNAP
Co-Director, Center for Interprofessional Health; Director of Ed. Innovation & Eval., Division of PT
University of Minnesota
Sara North PT, DPT, PhD, M.Ed., FNAP serves as Co-Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Interprofessional Health and Director of Educational Innovation and Evaluation and Associate Professor in the Division of Physical Therapy in the Medical School. She completed her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree, PhD in Evaluation Studies, and Masters of Education - Community Health Educator. Her scholarly and professional passions include interprofessional curriculum development and assessment, systems-level approaches to organizational change, clinical education, population health, diversity in health professions, and collaborative initiatives to move interprofessional education forward through academic-clinical partnerships and data-informed curricular design and assessment.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

This seminar is designed to share the efforts of five Big 10 Universities in Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in advancing interprofessional education (IPE) in the clinical learning environment (CLE), with the intent to spur application and creativity across institutions nationally. Initiatives will be compared and contrasted conceptually to maximize relevance and utility for attendees, including initiative design and implementation, organizational level overseeing initiatives, model of integration across academic programs in the context of clinical placements,…
This lightning talk presents the design, implementation, and early outcomes of an innovative model situating interprofessional education (IPE) explicitly within the practice setting as part of the clinical learning environment experience. Partnerships between the University of Minnesota Center for Interprofessional Health and select high-quality clinical sites maximize a shared commitment and responsibility to advance IPE and collaborative practice through LEAP experiences (Learning through Engaging Actively in Practice). LEAP experiences involve explicit, sustainable, coordinated integration…
The Itasca Interprofessional EcoHealth Experience team of founders and sustainers will present our journey from ideation to execution, as well as our plan to grow and advance this successful program model that focuses on the intersection between interprofessional healthcare education, practice, and One Health principles. The experience is homegrown, collaborating with students and faculty experts at the University of Minnesota and within the community to deliver an experience that naturally connects students to animals, plants, and the earth., Participants find deeper connections with one…
The Health Professions Accreditors Collaborative (HPAC) 2019 report provides guidance on processes academic leaders can use to establish quality interprofessional education (IPE) programming. Despite a myriad of evidence documenting the need for and benefit of IPE, challenges in the development, implementation, sustainability, and growth of these programs are well documented with a reported 60% of U.S. institutions lacking a systematic IPE plan. Heeding the advice from the HPAC document for institutional leaders to develop systematic approaches and collaborate across institutions, multiple…