
Nexus Fair Networking Rooms

Thursday, September 26, 2024, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm CDT

Nexus Fair banner

Network with a purpose!

The Nexus Fair returns to Nexus Summit 2024 in a virtual format. The Nexus Fair is an interactive, solutions-based learning environment designed to facilitate connections with those that share a deep passion and commitment to improved experiences, outcomes and costs in both health care and education.

The Nexus Fair Networking Rooms offer an opportunity for individuals or organizations to share interprofessional assets – tools, educational modules, and other practical resources that may be of interest and value to colleagues across practice and education. Networking Rooms will be hosted in Zoom breakout rooms where attendees will be able to go from station to station, just as they would during an in-person conference. Hosting a Networking Room also means that the host organization may provide up to three electronic resources to be posted to the Nexus Summit website to be shared with the attendees asynchronously.

Networking Rooms are not exhibitors or formal presentations, but instead are interactive virtual settings ideal for sharing resources and other links, brief PowerPoint slides or handouts, and other materials to share information and create key connections.


Nexus Fair Objectives:

  • Provide a dynamic interactive venue for organizations, initiatives and individuals from different sectors in interprofessional education and collaborative practice to meet each other and learn together
  • Share tools, resources, and information with members of the interprofessional practice and education community.
  • Make new connections that will feed your interest in and commitment to developing and supporting your Nexus upon returning home

What to Expect:

  • Join Nexus Fair presenters in their Networking Rooms to engage with a brief presentation, interactive conversation, and exclusive resources shared by the presenters.
  • Attendees will be able to self-select which Networking Rooms to attend, and will be able to join and leave at any time. 

Nexus Fair Networking Rooms:

Join the Nexus Fair to meet with representatives from the organizations below, learn about their unique, free offerings, and make connections!


Arizona State University Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (ASU CAIPER)

Resource overview will highlight our CAIPER Interprofessional By Design® Learning Solutions Consulting services.

Our representative will have live demonstrations, YouTube videos and links for digital collateral that visitors can engage with and take with them as they visit the CAIPER virtual room during the Nexus Fair.

Representative: Jody Crawford, MS, Digital Audience Strategy Specialist & Project Manager, ASU CAIPER


University of Minnesota’s Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing (Bakken Center)

The University of Minnesota’s Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing’s mission is to advance whole health and wellbeing by providing interprofessional education, conducting research, advancing integrative models of care, and delivering innovative community engagement programs.

In our breakout room, we will highlight a number of programs, resources, and continuing education opportunities for health professionals and the community to explore their health and wellbeing.

Representative: Amy Jensen, Business Development & Community Relations Associate


  • 10 Simple Ways to Manage Stress at Work
  • Resources and Programs for Health Professionals

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

Visit the ASHA exhibit to learn about available IPE resources (videos, cases studies, rubrics, and evidence) to support your implementation of interprofessional education, practice, research, and advocacy. You will also learn about ASHA’s new Communication ACCESS initiative, Better Health Starts With Effective Communication. Discover the six core principles to improve effective communication access in health services and programs. A new communication access website serves as a hub for educational information and resources, infusing health equity and the social determinants of health. Maximize your IPE implementation with resources that are one click away!

Representative: Loretta Nunez, MA, AuD, CCC-A/SLP, Senior Director of Academic Affairs and Research Education


Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (JCIPE), Thomas Jefferson University

During this session, attendees will see a JTOG® demonstration and gather information on potential uses of the JTOG® in their own educational or clinical setting. The JTOG® is a real-time, 360-degree validated, competency-based assessment tool that measures how well teams and individuals collaborate in educational and practice settings. Mapped to the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies, the convenient JTOG® mobile app facilitates the collection and sharing of behaviorally-based feedback for teams and individuals from the perspectives of patients, family members/support people, instructors, team observers, and individual team members (students, preceptors or peers). 


  • Amber E. King, PharmD, BCPS, FNAP, Co-Director, Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
  • Brooke Salzman, MD, FNAP, Co-Director, Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
  • Shoshana Sicks, EdD, Director of Curriculum & Administration, Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
  • Julie Liskov, Project Manager, Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice & Education
  • Maria Brucato, PhD, Director of Assessment, Evaluation and Research, Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice & Education
  • Adam Rusin, Abzooba Account Manager


  • JCIPE Volume 14 Number 2 Spring/Summer 2024
  • JTOG Fact Sheet
  • JCIPE 101 and Programs

University of Minnesota: CLARION National Case Competition (CLARION)

CLARION is a student-driven, faculty and staff-supported initiative that focuses on the professional development of health science students.  CLARION activities emphasize leadership, teamwork, communication, analytical reasoning, conflict-resolution, and systems-thinking.

In its 20th year, the CLARION National Interprofessional Case Competition engages interprofessional teams of students in problem-solving on a current challenge in healthcare.  Cases approach these challenges from both a system and an individual patient and provider point of view.  

In this session, we will share our experiences guiding this educational activity, describe example cases and student presentations, and discuss ways to get involved in CLARION and support student-driven interprofessional opportunities on your campus.


  • Ellia Dalzell, MHA candidate
  • Eden Newman, MHA candidate
  • Laura Dammer Hess, MLS, Director of CHIP


  • CLARION Annual Report
  • CLARION 2024 Case
  • CLARION Important Dates