Associate Vice President for Interprofessional Education
University of Florida
Amy Blue, PhD is the Associate Vice President for Interprofessional Education at the University of Florida. She has been involved in interprofessional education since 2007, and prior to that, was involved in medical education for many years. Dr. Blue has presented at numerous professional conferences and has published extensively in the IPE and medical education literature. She is a Senior Editor for the Journal of Interprofessional Care, and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice. She was a co-founder of the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) and has recently served as Chair of the organization.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to impact interprofessional education and collaborative practice by enabling personalized learning paths, enhancing communication among diverse professional groups, and facilitating more effective, data-driven decision-making. Busy leaders of interprofessional education programs must have opportunities to explore AI tools, which hold promise for streamlining administrative tasks, personalizing learning, and optimizing outcomes, allowing them to manage their demanding roles and time more efficiently.
During this seminar, session leaders will present…
Upon participation in this session, the learner will gain an understanding of the digital health environment and its impact and importance, address the gaps in knowledge across the continuum of health professions learners and practitioners, and identify examples of integrating digital health into health professions interprofessional education and practice. Additionally, this session will also provide insights from the student perspective regarding the importance, utility, and gaps in digital health education in health professions educational programs.
Upon completion of this session, the…
Attendees will apply their understanding of the digital health landscape and gaps in digital health education to identify opportunities for all health profession learners to be better prepared for digital healthcare. Through interactive discussion, attendees will discuss how digital health currently impacts collaborative practice, brainstorm what learners need to know in preparation for collaborative practice in the digital health era, and identify challenges and resources required to advance digital health education for interprofessional learners. Attendees will be invited to continue to…