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Interprofessional Care of Patients with Chronic Pain: Experience Report from the Academic League of Interprofessionality in Health at the Federal University of Juiz De Fora - Brazil.

Some experience with IPE
chronic paininterprofessional educationinterprofessional education

Chronic pain is a condition that affects thousands of individuals who seek health services every day. Patients with chronic pain require a biopsychosocial perspective, requiring comprehensive assistance, which goes beyond the field of health and education. In this context, interprofessional work allows this condition to have a broad view, improving patients quality of life and minimizing suffering. Despite this, there is a gap in the training of professionals involved in this care, both from the point of view of patient management and in relation to the importance of teamwork for the development of humanized, comprehensive and effective care.
In this sense, the academic league of interprofessional health care at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora develops practical activities with the Multidisciplinary Pain Outpatient Clinic of the UFJF University Hospital. This outpatient clinic is made up of a multidisciplinary team, with three physiotherapists, a social worker, a psychologist and multidisciplinary residents. The objective of the league's participation in this field is to develop the learning of the students involved, favoring the improvement of attitudes, competencies and skills in the interprofessional management of patients with chronic pain.
Among the outpatient's actions, each patient is evaluated and the demands presented are discussed by the team, which prepares a strategic action plan to define the patient's trajectory in the interprofessional program for chronic pain, which may be: physical rehabilitation, psychological support group, nutritional health group, social service consultancy or support and treatment group for chronic pain. In addition, league members, together with the team, participate in conversation circles, held in four weekly meetings, in person, which aim to develop the pain education model, explaining to patients that chronic pain is multifactorial, encouraging seeking a better quality of life, autonomy, in addition to providing tools to control their condition. The results of the pain clinic are positive for patients who are regular and engaged in activities. At meetings, it is possible to see that outpatient professionals adopt an interprofessional approach, personalizing treatment to meet the individual needs of each patient, aiming for a comprehensive improvement in chronic pain. Furthermore, being part of the outpatient clinic was a unique, transformative experience and provided a lot of learning for the callers. The dedication of professionals and the testimony of patients' overcoming is inspiring and awakens feelings such as empathy and resilience, positively impacting our future as professionals in the field.