Analice Ferreira Vinha
Nutrition student
Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Undergraduate degree in nutrition from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). It works in the Positive Nutrition project, which offers free nutritional care to people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. He is a member of the Academic League of Interprofessionality in Health Care (LAIAS). He also participates in a Scientific Initiation (systematic review on interprofessional education). She is part of the academic directory of the nutrition course at UFJF, acting as secretary. She was part of the project From the laboratory to the Table: Dietetic Technique and Health Promotion through Culinary Practices.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Chronic pain is a condition that affects thousands of individuals who seek health services every day. Patients with chronic pain require a biopsychosocial perspective, requiring comprehensive assistance, which goes beyond the field of health and education. In this context, interprofessional work allows this condition to have a broad view, improving patients quality of life and minimizing suffering. Despite this, there is a gap in the training of professionals involved in this care, both from the point of view of patient management and in relation to the importance of teamwork for the…