Gláucia Cópio Vieira
Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Master of Science in Rehabilitation and Physical-Functional Performance from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (2022). Postgraduate in Health Preceptorship from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2020). Postgraduate in Family and Community Health, in Pulmonary Rehabilitation, and Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy from the Barra Mansa University Center (2003). Currently a physiotherapist and preceptor in Gerontological Physiotherapy and the Pain Clinic. Member of the Permanent Commission for Multidisciplinary Elderly Health Care and the Humanization Group at the University Hospital of the UFJF. Preceptor of the Adult Health Residency at the UFJF University Hospital.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Chronic pain is a condition that affects thousands of individuals who seek health services every day. Patients with chronic pain require a biopsychosocial perspective, requiring comprehensive assistance, which goes beyond the field of health and education. In this context, interprofessional work allows this condition to have a broad view, improving patients quality of life and minimizing suffering. Despite this, there is a gap in the training of professionals involved in this care, both from the point of view of patient management and in relation to the importance of teamwork for the…