Anna Paula Campos Sarchis, MSc
Fisioterapeuta do HU-UFJF
Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Graduated in Physiotherapy from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (2007); Lato Sensu Postgraduate in Trauma-Orthopedic Physiotherapy in 2010 from Universidade Castelo Branco; training in Osteopathy level I, II and III, Busquet's Muscular Chains, Mulligan Concept, Crochet and Pilates. She is currently a physiotherapist supervising an internship in Physiotherapy in Secondary Care in adult and elderly health, preceptor of the multidisciplinary residency in adult health and responsible for the multidisciplinary pain outpatient clinic at HU UFJF-Unidade Dom Bosco. Master's and doctoral student in the Postgraduate Program in Psychology - UFJF/research line: Psychosocial aspects in health.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Chronic pain is a condition that affects thousands of individuals who seek health services every day. Patients with chronic pain require a biopsychosocial perspective, requiring comprehensive assistance, which goes beyond the field of health and education. In this context, interprofessional work allows this condition to have a broad view, improving patients quality of life and minimizing suffering. Despite this, there is a gap in the training of professionals involved in this care, both from the point of view of patient management and in relation to the importance of teamwork for the…