Ketlyn Oliveira
Studant of nutrition
Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Graduating Nutrition at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in the 6th period. Participation as a volunteer in a research project on the Influence on Food Parenting in Childhood between 07/2022 and 07/23; participation in the Nutrition and Food Science Study Group between 10/23 and 12/23; currently a member of the Academic League for Interprofessionality in Health Care.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Chronic pain is a condition that affects thousands of individuals who seek health services every day. Patients with chronic pain require a biopsychosocial perspective, requiring comprehensive assistance, which goes beyond the field of health and education. In this context, interprofessional work allows this condition to have a broad view, improving patients quality of life and minimizing suffering. Despite this, there is a gap in the training of professionals involved in this care, both from the point of view of patient management and in relation to the importance of teamwork for the…