Maria Brucato, PhD
Director of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
Thomas Jefferson University
Maria Brucato, PhD is the Director of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research at Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (JCIPE) at Thomas Jefferson University. She received her BA in Psychology with Cognitive and Computer Science minors from Montclair State University, and her PhD in Psychology, Cognition and Neuroscience from Temple University with a concentration in Quantitative Methods. Her current work involves the application of psychometrics, cognitive science, and social psychology to research in interprofessional collaborative practice and education. She serves on the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s IPCE Review committee, the AIHC Evidence Collaborative, and the IPR.Global Steering Committee.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

In the ever-evolving landscape of Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE), it is crucial to prioritize the systematic and longitudinal assessment of IPE program/curricula effectiveness. This approach to assessment is necessary to demonstrate that minimum accreditation standards have been met; but further, it is essential for gathering empirical evidence to inform evidence-based practice and to refine IPE initiatives for quality improvement that meet evolving needs of learners, patients and caregivers. This seminar offers a comprehensive exploration of strategies to best navigate…
Introduction: People experiencing homelessness (PEH) represent an underserved population that is highly stigmatized, due to stereotypes and negative perceptions from society at large and by health professionals (HPs). This stigma can impact access to and quality of care and risk for morbidity and mortality. To understand the magnitude of interprofessional HPs’ bias toward PEH in clinical and educational settings and to assess outcomes of interventions, attitudinal assessments are needed. However, evidence suggests that existing instruments measuring HPs’ attitudes toward homelessness may…
InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global) is dedicated to fostering leadership in interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) through innovative research and collaboration. This lightning talk will showcase the IPR.Global Summer Research Institute—a pioneering initiative designed to equip the next generation of interprofessional researchers with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct high-quality IPECP research and lead collaborative efforts in their respective fields. The Institute represents a global collaboration, including experts from IPR.Global and four U…
Background: Complex care teams that work together longitudinally in training or in practice can benefit from debriefing to improve teamwork over time. However, it can be challenging to objectively assess teamwork quickly, reflect on strengths, and provide constructive feedback to team members. Aims: This Lightning Talk will address the theme “Preparing Students for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice,” describing a novel formative assessment approach used in an interprofessional education program. In particular, this presentation will describe 1) how the Jefferson Teamwork Observation…
Longitudinal experiential interprofessional education (IPE) is one model of IPE where students from different health professions collaborate, often with a patient expert or community volunteer, to learn about, from, and with each other over time. One common goal of longitudinal IPE is training learners to apply teamwork principles, including operating from a shared framework, using shared leadership practices, facilitating team coordination, and reflecting on self and team performance. Theories regarding the stages of team development suggest that skills, attitudes, and behaviors pertaining…
Seminar Description: How do we know IPE interventions are effective and participants are gaining proficiency in IPEC Competencies? Multi-institutional studies are necessary to build the evidence base for interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPE/CP). They enable the practice community to understand the impact of IPE/CP on Quadruple Aim outcomes and study the efficacy of interventions across diverse clinical, educational, and geographical settings, and cultural groups. Although the necessity for using common validated measures of interprofessional collaboration in multi-…
Background: Microaggressions are commonplace indignities that communicate negative slights or insults against a particular group of people. Microaggressions impede healthcare professionals’ effective interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP), which can have detrimental implications for patient outcomes.  IPCP microaggression training is proposed to facilitate structural change by mitigating implicit bias in healthcare. Existing educational frameworks aim to increase knowledge of microaggressions through lectures, problem-based learning, and discussions, but these approaches have…
The goal of this seminar is to provide attendees with a strong understanding of educational scholarship and provide them with concrete next steps for development and implementation of a scholarly project using their own research ideas. While there is no dearth of literature on interprofessional education (IPE), there is a need for rigorous IPE studies that: (1) measure effects on behaviors, organizational change, and delivery of care, (2) develop a firmer understanding of the teaching and learning processes, (3) measure the processes and products of IPE using standardized models, (4) measure…
Background: Interprofessional palliative care programs increase healthcare learners’ self-efficacy in their knowledge and skills in palliative care, end-of-life care, and interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP). Program evaluations from the Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s Interprofessional Palliative Care program note students’ desires for shadowing palliative care providers. Shadowing is an educational intervention that involves students learning from, with, and about other healthcare professionals, but not necessarily with them. As shadowing may be an…