Director of Interprofessional Education and Clinical Professor
Purdue University
Zachary A. Weber, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, CDCES, CHC, FASHP, FNAP is the Director of Interprofessional Education and Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice for Purdue University College of Pharmacy and the Assistant Dean for Education for the Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE Center). At the College of Pharmacy, he coordinates the required, longitudinal IPE curriculum for Doctor of Pharmacy students, and at the IU IPE Center he oversees the educational content and delivery of the statewide Interprofessional Core Curriculum.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

It’s well documented that health profession curricula have become overloaded, with programs and instructors/faculty being asked to cover more information in similar or less time. While this is understandable due to the natural evolution of practice and scientific advancements, it can cause issues related to student learning and identifying how required curricular elements may fit best into the ‘puzzle’ academicians are often trying to assemble. Interprofessional education (IPE) is a required component of many health profession curricula, but often represents opportunities that fall outside of…
The Health Professions Accreditors Collaborative (HPAC) 2019 report provides guidance on processes academic leaders can use to establish quality interprofessional education (IPE) programming. Despite a myriad of evidence documenting the need for and benefit of IPE, challenges in the development, implementation, sustainability, and growth of these programs are well documented with a reported 60% of U.S. institutions lacking a systematic IPE plan. Heeding the advice from the HPAC document for institutional leaders to develop systematic approaches and collaborate across institutions, multiple…
Student-led clinics provide a unique opportunity for students to engage in interprofessional education. Under the guidance of health professionals, they collaborate with multiple disciplines to care for members of the community. Students practice advocating for their neighbors and learn roles. Students are also exposed to diverse perspectives as they practice communication and mutual respect. A need was discovered to provide more IPE experiences for students at Indiana University- Indianapolis. The IU Student Outreach Clinic (IUSOC) provides community health care resources with students from…
A shared experience among institutions advancing IPE is the challenge of developing, implementing and scaling meaningful experiential IPE. The collaborators on this seminar confirm the usual reasons for this issue that have been widely described (Brandt, 2015). However, an additional common observation is the striking paucity of ubiquitous models of interprofessional team-based care across the practice and community settings where health professional learners rotate. Adding to this challenge is the operational difficulties facing practice and health systems, especially after the pandemic.…