Victoria Hornyak, PT, DPT
Assistant Professor and Chairperson, Working Group on Interprofessional Education
University of Pittsburgh
Victoria Hornyak is an Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Physical Therapy and is the Chairperson of the University’s Working Group on Interprofessional Education. She leads a team of 19 faculty representing the six Schools of the Health Sciences in planning and implementing IPE curricula for students representing over 15 different health professions.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to impact interprofessional education and collaborative practice by enabling personalized learning paths, enhancing communication among diverse professional groups, and facilitating more effective, data-driven decision-making. Busy leaders of interprofessional education programs must have opportunities to explore AI tools, which hold promise for streamlining administrative tasks, personalizing learning, and optimizing outcomes, allowing them to manage their demanding roles and time more efficiently. During this seminar, session leaders will present and…