Cohen Konrad,
Director, Center to Advance Interprofessional Education & Practice
University of New England
Shelley Cohen Konrad, PhD, LCSW, FNAP is Director of the Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice, an initiative that promotes cross-disciplinary learning, research, collaborative practice, and service and a professor at the University of New England. She received a BA from Boston University and an MSW and PhD in social work from Simmons University. In 2014 she was inducted as a Distinguished Scholar & and Fellow in the National Academies of Practice and the Social Work Academy. Shelley lives on the coast of Maine where she enjoys gardening, reading, baking, UK mysteries, and spending time with family and friends.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Since 2016, the Nexus Summit has been co-created with patients, family and community members. In 2023, our Patient Responders shared the personal experiences that drive their passion for change that positively impacts patient care and outcomes. In 2024, we continue to work together with our Patient Advisors and Patient Responders to advance the patient engagement conversation with concrete strategies and positive examples of patients and family members actively partnering with health and education systems in governance, policy and workflow decisions that shape their healthcare experiences…