Robin Newman, OTD, OTR, FAOTA
Program Director, Behavior and Health Program
Boston University
Robin Newman is the Program Director of the Behavior and Health Program and Clinical Associate Professor in Occupational Therapy at Boston University. She teaches and advises students interested in health-related, non-profit and social service professions. She also teaches and mentors students in the entry-level OTD program. Clinically, she has worked with adults in a range of settings, including acute care, rehabilitation and outpatient, with extensive experience with individuals with cancer and neurological diagnoses. Her research focuses on cancer survivorship issues in survivors of cancer, with a focus on the long term and late effects of treatment on everyday life.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

LIGHTNING TALK This presentation will provide an overview of a scoping review on arts-based approaches in interprofessional education (IPE). Arts-based education is “the instrumental use of artistic skills, processes and experiences as educational tools to foster learning in non-artistic disciplines and domains”. Previous reviews in medical, nursing and social work education found that visual (e.g., painting, photography), literary (e.g., literature, poetry), and performing (e.g., drama, dance) arts have been used in curricular efforts to influence attitudes, and develop reasoning,…