OTD Student
Gannon University
Olivia Fulton is a 3rd year occupational therapy doctorate student at Gannon University in Ruskin, FL. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in kinesiology with a concentration in occupational therapy and a minor in psychology from Southeastern University. She is the current president of Pi Theta Epsilon—Gamma Delta Chapter. During her second year, she served as the Florida State Liaison in Gannon University's Student Occupational Therapy Association and as a graduate research assistant focusing on assistive technology. She is completing her first level II fieldwork rotation at a VA hospital in outpatient hand therapy and her second at a neurorehabilitation clinic.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
This seminar will discuss the preplanning, delivery, and post planning of an international service learning experience that promoted interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration between 12 healthcare graduate students. The interprofessional practice and education curriculum delivered through the service learning experience will exemplify the interprofessional collaboration to address health equity, racism and bias in the interprofessional practice theme. After attending this session, the learner will be able to describe how to design a service learning experience to promote interdisciplinary…