Naomi Williams
PFE Specialist
Naomi D. Williams, a Patient and Family Engagement Specialist at PFCCpartners since 2021, has over 20 years of experience as a community health educator and family support coordinator. Originally from Pennsylvania and now residing in Georgia, her advocacy was profoundly influenced in 2009 when she became the parent of a 26-week micro-preemie. Naomi holds a Master’s in Public Health and is a certified grief specialist and yoga instructor. Author of "And God Remembered Noah" (2018) and featured in the "6,000 Waiting" documentary (2019), she enjoys exploring nature and practicing yoga in her free time.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Patient family engagement (PFE) is an active strategy to improve healthcare outcomes. Essential to healthcare improvement is a focus on the inequities our communities face. This seminar will explore the Funfetti Approach to Patient Family Engagement for Equity, baking in the lived experiences of people into healthcare improvement processes and activities. We are unable to achieve health equity without the perspectives and insights of patients, family caregivers, and the community. The National Academy of Medicine states we “can’t achieve equity without engaging the people who experience…