Kathleen McGoldrick, MLS
Vice chair/Clinical Associate Professor/Director of IPE
Stony Brook University
Kathleen McGoldrick, MLS, is a clinical associate professor and vice chair in the Health Science Program at Stony Brook University in the School of Health Professions. As Director of IPE in the school she coordinates IPE events for over 350 students and faculty. She has published original research focused on the inclusion of disability studies in health science and has co-authored a chapter in Routledge International Handbook on Children’s Rights and Disability focused on children’s right and sharenting which she presented at the international Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) conference in Reykjavik, Iceland. Kathleen holds an MLS from St. John’s University in NY.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Marginalized groups frequently do not have the same healthcare experience as other groups due to several factors including ineffective communication which creates a negative experience. More than 1 in 2 LGBTQAI+ individuals have experienced discrimination, and the transgender community is marginalized when accessing health care (Roberts & Fantz, 2014; Warner & Mehta, 2021). Social, structural, and attitudinal barriers to health care (such as pervasive stigma and discrimination) often lead LGVTQAI+ individuals to fear or avoid interactions with healthcare professionals. Their feelings…