Heather Hageman, M.B.A.
Washington University Medical Center
Heather Hageman is the director of the Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at Washington University Medical Campus. Her background is in strategic planning, program and outcomes assessment, accreditation, and project management. Hageman has more than 20 years’ experience in medical education. She was also the operations director of the Standardized Patient Center, a resource to health professions programs on the medical campus that provides simulated clinical experiences for learners using individuals trained to portray patient cases in a consistent manner.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to impact interprofessional education and collaborative practice by enabling personalized learning paths, enhancing communication among diverse professional groups, and facilitating more effective, data-driven decision-making. Busy leaders of interprofessional education programs must have opportunities to explore AI tools, which hold promise for streamlining administrative tasks, personalizing learning, and optimizing outcomes, allowing them to manage their demanding roles and time more efficiently. During this seminar, session leaders will present and…
Engaging Artificial Intelligence as Leaders in IPE Welcoming all comers including early adopters and those just beginning to explore! This Leadership Gathering will involve a structured, case-based discussion of challenges and opportunities facing IPE leaders in the application of AI tools, both in academic and practice settings. Join us for learning, sharing, and networking on this important topic! This event is hosted by the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative and is open to all conference attendees.