Georgia McCauley, PhD, MBA, CRA, MLS(AMT)
Chair, Program Director, and Professor, Medical Laboratory Science Department
Winston-Salem State University
Dr. Georgia McCauley is the Chair and Program Director of the Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) Department at Winston-Salem State University and a certified medical laboratory scientist for more than 40 years. She created IPE opportunities for MLS learners throughout their curriculum and was involved in research, planning and facilitating collaborative IPE events.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global) is dedicated to fostering leadership in interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) through innovative research and collaboration. This lightning talk will showcase the IPR.Global Summer Research Institute—a pioneering initiative designed to equip the next generation of interprofessional researchers with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct high-quality IPECP research and lead collaborative efforts in their respective fields. The Institute represents a global collaboration, including experts from IPR.Global and four U…