Craig Slater, PhD, MPH, BOccThy
Director, Interprofessional Education and Practice; Clinical Assistant Professor
Boston University
Craig Slater is the Director, Interprofessional Education and Practice at Boston University, College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College. In this role, he leads the interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum for students in occupational therapy, nutrition, athletic training, physical therapy and speech language pathology programs. Over the past 12 years, he has developed and delivered IPE to students in undergraduate and graduate programs at universities in both Australia and the United States. He also has experience implementing large-scale interprofessional training programs for practicing health professionals.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

LIGHTNING TALK This presentation will provide an overview of a scoping review on arts-based approaches in interprofessional education (IPE). Arts-based education is “the instrumental use of artistic skills, processes and experiences as educational tools to foster learning in non-artistic disciplines and domains”. Previous reviews in medical, nursing and social work education found that visual (e.g., painting, photography), literary (e.g., literature, poetry), and performing (e.g., drama, dance) arts have been used in curricular efforts to influence attitudes, and develop reasoning,…
InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global) is dedicated to fostering leadership in interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) through innovative research and collaboration. This lightning talk will showcase the IPR.Global Summer Research Institute—a pioneering initiative designed to equip the next generation of interprofessional researchers with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct high-quality IPECP research and lead collaborative efforts in their respective fields. The Institute represents a global collaboration, including experts from IPR.Global and four U…
BACKGROUNDWhile interprofessional teams often work with clients in home-based care, students often do not receive training on working in the home environment, and interprofessional collaboration in home-based care. This training is often left to field agencies, leading to variation in depth, standardization, and quality of training.In April 2024, 33 students in social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nutrition, and speech language pathology programs participated in an interprofessional home-based assessment training. The training incorporated six asynchronous online modules…
BACKGROUNDFamily conferences involve the patient or client, their carepartner(s), and the interprofessional team in person- and family-centered communication about the individual’s condition, values, preferences, and future plans. Health professionals must have strong communication and collaboration skills, including group facilitation, counseling, problem solving, and conflict resolution.Two 90-minute interprofessional family conferencing simulations utilizing a standardized patient at different times in their post-stroke journey were developed, and piloted with students in physical therapy…