Alexandra Zagoloff, PhD LP
Associate Professor
University of Minnesota
Dr. Zagoloff is a licensed child psychologist with expertise working with children and families experiencing acute and chronic trauma and stress. Additionally, Dr. Zagoloff has a deep passion for interprofessional education and leadership development as antidotes to burnout for the healthcare workforce. Dr. Zagoloff is currently working toward an MPH in Public Health Administration and Policy.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

In 2022, the Center for Interprofessional Health (CIH) at the University of Minnesota launched the Affiliate Faculty Program to create synergistic connections between the Center and preceptors excited about interprofessional education (IPE). Results from the inaugural year were presented at last year’s Nexus Summit; this presentation will review programmatic changes and growth in the interim. A Big 10 IPE Academic Alliance paper documented varying efforts across institutions to engage faculty and preceptors in ongoing professional development (Ascione, et al, 2019). CIH included the…
During this lightning talk, attendees will learn from the two examples of interprofessional team-based care formats in psychiatry clinics. One team is well established based on a national model for treating first episode psychosis. Another clinic switched to all team-based care delivery in academic year 2023-2024, and can share the challenges and solutions which have come up over the course of this year. The presenter team will include two faculty with expertise in the above clinics as well as a psychiatry resident who practices in both settings. This topic addresses the summit theme of “…
The NexusIPE™ Leadership Academy Senior and Emerging Leaders Forums launched in Spring 2024. Join us at this Showcase to learn with, from, and about our 2024 Senior and Emerging Leaders! Leaders will briefly showcase their interprofessional programs and highlight how participation in the Leaders Forums has focused and advanced their work. Learn about how the Leaders Forums can develop and advance your leadership in learning and care environments. National Center Director Christine Arenson will moderate the session.
Over the past decade, the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Minnesota has gradually shifted its clinical and educational activities towards greater interprofessionalism. Yet, barriers to excellence in interprofessional clinical care and education remain. This year, the department’s Education Council created an Interprofessional Education (IPE) committee charged with developing and implementing the first IPE retreat for (independently) practicing clinical professionals within the department. This presentation will detail the retreat planning and…