Yasser Salem, PT, PhD, MS, NCS, PCS
Program Director and Professor
Hofstra University
Dr. Yasser Salem PT, PhD, MS, NCS, PCS, is a professor of physical therapy. He has been an educator for over 20 years. Dr. Salem has been consistently engaged in research, having published numerous peer-reviewed articles. He has over 60 peer-reviewed scientific publications including peer-reviewed original research, and scientific book and book chapters. He has over 400 peer-reviewed presentations at state, national, and international conferences. He is the first author on many of the published articles and presentations. He has successfully received several grant funding. He has also received several professional state and national research, teaching and service awards.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Transformation of health professions education includes preparing providers with knowledge and skills for collaborative practice. Developing a successful interprofessional education (IPE) faculty development program requires understanding of current approaches and content, yet there is a lack of literature exploring and synthesizing evidence. The purpose of this scoping review was to examine, synthesize, and map sources of evidence on IPE faculty development programs including current practices and models. A systematic literature search of published articles was compiled using four electronic…