Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Graduating in Psychology from UFJF. Currently, I work as a fellow at the Center for Reference and Promotion of LGBTQI+ Citizenship (CeR-LGBTQI+) at UFJF, a volunteer in the extension project “Intervention for Elderly People Regarding Social Skills at the Center on Aging” and a member of the Academic League for Interprofessionality in Care the health.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Interprofessionality in Health and Education is fundamental for collective and cooperative work in health in a comprehensive and ecological way of knowing, educating and working1. Aware of the importance of this education model, in 2021, at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, the Academic League of Interprofessionality in Health Care was founded, based on vivid experiences by seven students from different health courses in the Ministry of Health program " PET-Health/Interprofessionality”2. With the aim of continuing to develop skills and competencies through theoretical and practical…