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Academic League of Interprofessionality in Health Care at UFJF: Challenges and Lessons Learned

Some experience with IPE
academic leaguesinterprofessional educationcollaborative practice

Interprofessionality in Health and Education is fundamental for collective and cooperative work in health in a comprehensive and ecological way of knowing, educating and working1. Aware of the importance of this education model, in 2021, at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, the Academic League of Interprofessionality in Health Care was founded, based on vivid experiences by seven students from different health courses in the Ministry of Health program " PET-Health/Interprofessionality”2. With the aim of continuing to develop skills and competencies through theoretical and practical interprofessional activities, the League organizes theoretical/scientific meetings and directs academics to practices in the field, in the Basic Health Units, in the Center of Psychosocial Care at the University Hospital.

Currently with 20 students from undergraduate courses in physiotherapy, dentistry, nutrition, medicine, biological sciences, pharmacy, physical education, psychology, nursing and social work, and tutored by a professor from the physiotherapy course, we notice an increase in interest every year among students, which contributes to developing the benefits of interprofessionality on the university campus, in the health practices of institutions and in targeting the community. Experiencing interprofessional practice during undergraduate studies allows students to have greater contact with the Brazilian Unified Health System, strengthening its principles, especially comprehensive care.
The league plays a unique role in enhancing the advanced debate on interprofessionality among students. Some of them, now residents in different programs, said the meaning of this vivid experience: “The league allowed me to interact with different professionals, allowing a collaborative practice that overcomes conceptual mistakes and promotes the development of actions to achieve a comprehensive approach to health care. ” (JVSA, pharmaceutical company). "The experience at LAIAS was enriching, mainly due to teamwork. I learned to deal with the diversity of ideas and skills, which strengthened our ability to achieve goals and solve challenges collaboratively" (GRBA, physical educator).

But we don't just collect good stories. Many barriers are encountered daily. Among the challenges, we have the incompatibility of curricula, availability of student schedules for field activities, difficulty in providing interprofessional practice fields, fragmentation in training between courses and lack of teacher participation.
Considering the above and despite the barriers experienced, the relevance of IPE and its application in universities is evident, training professionals capable of learning and working effectively and collaboratively. Furthermore, we intend to increasingly promote LAIAS, thus increasing the diversity and participation of courses, expanding the idea of interprofessional collaboration.