Tierney Beebe, DHA, RHIA, CCS
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Tierney Beebe, DHA, RHIA, CCS is a Health Information Management (HIM) and Health Services Administration instructor at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.  She received a Bachelor of Science Degree in HIM from the University of Southwestern Louisiana, and a Master of Business Administration Degree with a concentration in Healthcare from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.  Previously, for twenty years, she was VP of Business Operations for a physician group practice, ambulatory surgery center, and anesthesia group.  In 2024, she obtained her Doctor of Health Administration degree from the University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Health Related Professions.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Background and Problem:Currently, UL Lafayette fall semester junior-level undergraduate nursing and HIM majors are required to complete a semester IPE course, IPHE 310, which includes students from both programs learning together. Consequently, student evaluations of the course and the activities included generally have not been positive. Research regarding readiness levels for IPE in undergraduate HIM students and clinical healthcare disciplines, such as nursing, is lacking.The purpose of this study was to examine UL Lafayette nursing and HIM students' IPE attitudes about and readiness for…