Teri Kennedy, PhD, MSW, ACSW, FGSA, FNAP
Associate Dean, Interprofessional Practice, Education, Policy, and Research and Ida Johnson Feaster
University of Kansas Medical Center

Teri Kennedy is Associate Dean, Interprofessional Practice, Education, Policy, and Research (iPEPR) and Ida Johnson Feaster Professor of Interprofessional Practice and Education, University of Kansas (KU) School of Nursing; Professor, Department of Population Health, KU School of Medicine; Professor Affiliate, KU School of Social Welfare; and co-facilitator, Health Humanities and Arts Research Collaborative (HHARC) with the University of Kansas Medical Center. She previously served as BSW Program Director and Director, Office of Gerontological & Interprofessional Initiatives, Arizona State University (ASU) School of Social Work, and as Faculty Lead: Clinical Partnerships, Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CAIPER), ASU Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation. She has 17 years’ experience serving older adults across home-and-community-based, home health, in-patient medical and geropsychiatric, and skilled nursing faculty settings. She previously chaired and served on the Advisory Committee for Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages (ACICBL) with HRSA and participated as a Health and Aging Policy (HAPF) Fellow/American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow with Senator Jeff Flake’s (R-AZ) DC Office. She is currently a Fellow, National Academies of Practice (NAP) and Social Work Academy; Fellow, Gerontological Society of America; member, NAP Public Policy Steering Committee and co-chair, NAP Research Subcommittee; member, Arizona Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging; and participates in the HAPF Alumni Network, advancing health and aging policy with a focus on Age-Friendly Health Systems. Her work concentrates on sustainability, interprofessional leadership, team science, and health and aging policy. She developed the Kennedy Model of Sustainability adopted by the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, and a model of Strengths-Based Interprofessional Practice and Education. Teri is an indie singer/songwriter, writer, and podcaster.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Please join us for this inaugural poster session featuring presentations by the 2023-2024 cohort of the AIHC Mentoring Program. Presentations address curricular innovation and integration, the role of coaching, leadership of multi-campus initiatives, development of IPE in single-profession institutions, academic-community partnerships, institutional and faculty culture, sustainability, mobility, and institutional support. The AIHC Mentoring Program is a free, year-long, virtual interprofessional faculty peer mentoring program that fosters learning together to advance and sustain IPE. Health…