Taylor Barber, PharmD Canidate
Pharmacy Student (Intern)
University of Missouri - Kansas City
Taylor Barber is a fourth year pharmacy student at the UMKC School of Pharmacy, currently completing her APPEs. Taylor has worked many jobs across various fields (pharmacy technician, waitress, warehouse employee, resident assistant, teaching assistant) and has found the most useful tools are those of communication and understanding. Through these life experiences Taylor has developed a passion for interprofessional development and worked alongside Dr. Erica Ottis to build and improve an interprofessional program within the UMKC School of Pharmacy for future students who share the passion of interprofessional healthcare.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Background: While interprofessional curricular activities are required by most health professions programs, learners are often looking for additional experiences to develop as an interprofessional team-member. The aim of this project was implementation of a program designed to provide opportunities to further interprofessional education (IPE) and recognize students who exceed required IPE activities. Design: A team of four University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) School of Pharmacy (SOP) students led by a faculty advisor identified a desire among students for advanced education in…