Susan Switzer, MA, CIC, GCFP
Project Coordinator
University of Wisconsin
Susan Switzer, MA, CIC, brings a wide array of experiences to her role as the project coordinator for the University of Wisconsin Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education IPE Healthy Aging Initiative as funded through the Building Our Largest Dementia (BOLD 2.0) Infrastructure for Alzheimer's Disease grant. Susan holds a Master of Communication degree and has experience as an educator, health and wellness coach, Feldenkrais practitioner, journalist, editor, actor, and stage director. As a seasoned standardized patient with the UW School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH), she has found being part of the education process rewarding and enjoys coordinating the effort to expand students’ knowledge in the world of dementia caregiving and working with other people who are passionate about the aging brain!

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The Healthy Aging Initiative was born through the initial funding through the CDC-funded Building Our Largest Dementia (BOLD) Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Disease Project in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Health. This funding created, and now supports the Interprofessional Learning Community Caregiving Badge (IPL Badge). The IPL Badge led by UW CIPE at UW–Madison, was initially funded as a 3-year telehealth community placement project, added the simulation learning, Advanced Dementia Interprofessional Clinical Simulation (ADICS), in Fall 2022 and recently this project was…