Sophia Herbert, PharmD
Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh
Sophia Herbert, PharmD is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. She completed her Doctor of Pharmacy degree and a Community Pharmacy Practice Development Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. Dr. Herbert focuses on the development, implementation, and evaluation of community pharmacy-based patient care services, including the University-wide vaccination and wellness efforts. Dr. Herbert is the Education Director at the Pitt Vaccination and Health Connection Hub, where she leads technology development and works with a team to design and implement community-based interprofessional educational programming for health science students. She also directs Pitt Pharmacy’s SilverScripts Program, now in its 21st year, bringing together pharmacy, nutrition, and social work students to provide care at local senior centers.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Interprofessional education (IPE) is a collective goal among the health science professions and is addressed in most disciplines’ accreditation standards. To improve students’ educational experiences and to meet IPE-related standards, health science schools have increased efforts to implement meaningful IPE. IPE where students interact with people in community-based settings provides authentic experiences to students and can simultaneously meet public health and community needs. The COVID-19 pandemic expanded some health authorities, which in some instances spurred further opportunities for…