Rani Patel, PT/s
Research Assistant
MGH Institute of Health Professions
Rani is a 3rd year DPT student who serves as the Research Assistant for the Slavin Academy - Enhancing Self Efficacy Navigating Microaggressions in Clinical Education Project. Previous to supporting this project she has had several positions as a research assistant both at the MGH Institute at at her undergraduate institution, Augusta University. Rani has completed two full time clinical education experiences and will complete her DPT education at the end of this year, making her a 2025 graduate.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Background:Clinical education (CE) is essential in health professions education, with Clinical Instructors (CIs) playing a pivotal role in assessing patients and learners within complex healthcare environments. Microaggressions in this setting can degrade the belongingness of those from historically marginalized and minoritized backgrounds. Several in-the-moment microaggression response frameworks exist. Continued development of support mechanisms for debriefing between students and CIs is needed to foster growth. This project aims to create continuous dialogue and 'brave spaces' for…