Morgan Owens, Pharmacy Student Intern
Pharmacy Intern
University of Missouri - Kansas City
Morgan Owens has bachelors degrees in Biochemistry and Biology and is currently a Third year pharmacy student at the UMKC School of Pharmacy. Morgan has worked in various positions in the field of pharmacy, including experience in community pharamacy (independent and chain) and hospital pharmacy. She has found her passion working on the health care team at Cox Hospital as a Pharmacy Student Intern in the inpatient pharmacy. She understands and values the importance of the team in health care and desires to advocate for the advancement of the team dynamic through interprofessional educational experiences in and out of school.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Background: While interprofessional curricular activities are required by most health professions programs, learners are often looking for additional experiences to develop as an interprofessional team-member. The aim of this project was implementation of a program designed to provide opportunities to further interprofessional education (IPE) and recognize students who exceed required IPE activities. Design: A team of four University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) School of Pharmacy (SOP) students led by a faculty advisor identified a desire among students for advanced education in…