Advocate Mentor
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Melanie’s lived experience has afforded her many opportunities in the advocacy space – to become a better-informed advocate for herself and others and to build her professional knowledge and experience. These opportunities have included the completion of Minnesota’s Partners in Policymaking series, two years of extensive training within the Nebraska UCEDD, and the AUCD leadership academy. Melanie serves as an Advocate Mentor at the Munroe-Meyer Institute. In her role, she helps adults with disabilities build personal advocacy skills and offers assistance in connecting these individuals to resources. Melanie also supports education, policy, and accessibility efforts at MMI.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Seminar description:
Individuals who experience developmental disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, or intellectual disability, face pervasive health disparities and limited access to quality health care services. This seminar outlines insights from a recent community research project seeking to establish needs related to individuals with disabilities preparing for and attending health care visits. Survey and interview data provided further rationale for developing an asynchronous, online course to advance health care professionals’ knowledge and skills related to…