Meagan Rockne, MPA
Senior Project Coordinator
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Meagan Rockne, MPA, graduated from Utah State University with a bachelor’s in journalism and a master’s in public administration with an emphasis in higher education from the University of Utah. She is a member of Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society. She has over 16 years of experience including graduate admissions at Arizona State University, academic advisor and continuing pharmacy education coordinator at the University of Utah. After working 10 years on the business side in academia in technology commercialization at the University of Utah and UT Health San Antonio, she is now the senior project coordinator for LINC.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Implementing large-scale clinical interprofessional education (IPE) experiences within clinical learning environments (CLEs) remains challenging. We previously piloted an IPE experience to bridge this divide and unite learners across diverse CLEs. In this Lightning Talk, we will report on a large-scale, successful implementation of an interprofessionally designed, para-clinical IPE experience targeting IPEC-derived teamwork concepts involving students at our large public health sciences university in academic year 2023-2024. Our interprofessional team designed, piloted, refined, and…