Winston-Salem State University
Maryam Behnejad is a third year Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Studying at Winston Salem State university. She holds a Bachelor of Biology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Maryam has actively contributed to the WSSU community, notably serving as a graduate assistant for the Interprofessional Education (IPE) event, which saw the participation of 300 students from three different schools and 11 different disciplines. Maryam is a graduate assistant for WSSU’s pro bono clinic, providing valuable support and care to the local community. Maryam enjoys spending time with people, fostering meaningful connections and engaging with diverse communities.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
To better suit the needs of our ever-changing educational landscape, we organized an in-person Interprofessional Collaborative Event intersecting the technological interests of the students with face-to-face problem solving. We designed and created a multi-phased virtual escape room to promote active learning as they encountered scenarios highlighting the intricate dynamics of healthcare delivery and the importance of interprofessional collaboration, particularly regarding social determinants of health, identification of bias, understanding each disciplines responsibilities for the patient,…