Laura Spradley, MS, CDP
Outreach Manager
The Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative
Laura Spradley, MS, CDP is the Outreach Coordinator for the UAMS Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative (AGEC) grant in the Department of Geriatrics. The grant focuses on healthy aging and caregiver education for older adults in Arkansas. Laura collaborates with various organizations to provide programs and education to older adults and caregivers throughout the state of Arkansas. When she is not working she frequently visits her “90-year-old mother” and her family in Ohio. Laura enjoys being with her kids and husband traveling, fishing, hiking, doing yard work, and spending time at their cabin in Scotland, Arkansas.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Education regarding best practices managing health and disease of older adults is needed. Escape rooms are an effective Sim-IPE strategy. We describe a workshop-based peer-learning experience using a workbook where interprofessional geriatric-focused scholars are preceptored to create and deliver an educational escape room focused on the 4Ms of Age Friendly Healthcare (AFHC), ie what Matters, Medication, Mentation, Mobility. This work supports “Preparing Students for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice” on two fronts. One builds collaborative skills to design interprofessional…