Keiko Inouye, BA
Medical student/Pre-doctoral Teaching Fellow
Western University of Health Scienes
I am a fourth-year osteopathic medical student with a passion for education and advocating for students' educational experiences. I have dedicated an extra year of my time in medical school to teaching first and second-year medical students and advancing the OMM/NMM curriculum at Western University of Health Sciences. Having gone through Western's IPE curriculum myself, I am excited to share our findings and conclusions regarding curriculum delivery.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The IPE curriculum at Western University of Health Sciences (WesternU) is one of the most comprehensive in the United States and involves first and second-year students across nine disciplines coming together to learn with, from, and about one another in a curriculum guided by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative’s (IPEC) competency framework. In a continued effort to evaluate the short-, intermediate-, and long-term impacts of the IPE program, this study expanded existing assessment strategies to measure important program outcomes across all years of study, including third and…