Kathleen Tabak, BA, MLIS
University of Oklahoma
Kathleen Tabak is a biostatistician at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. She holds a Master’s in Library and Information Studies. Kathleen specializes in data analysis and management, handling large datasets and creatingvisualizations with Power BI. She has a passion for working with complex data sets and enjoys the challenge of uncovering meaningful insights. Her role involves gathering, cleaning, organizing, andanalyzing data to support various research and educational initiatives.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Seminar Description: How do we know IPE interventions are effective and participants are gaining proficiency in IPEC Competencies? Multi-institutional studies are necessary to build the evidence base for interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPE/CP). They enable the practice community to understand the impact of IPE/CP on Quadruple Aim outcomes and study the efficacy of interventions across diverse clinical, educational, and geographical settings, and cultural groups. Although the necessity for using common validated measures of interprofessional collaboration in multi-…
Studies indicate the majority of health professionals have a negative bias against patients in larger bodies. Bias directly contributes to negative health outcomes such as increased risk for cardiovascular disease compared to those not receiving any treatment at all. Interprofessional education provides a safe space for new health professionals to build awareness and practice skills to improve their future treatment and interactions with patients in larger bodies. This lightning talk will introduce the content of an interprofessional simulation including didactic and skill training to address…