Project Manager
Thomas Jefferson University
A graduate of Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster, PA), Julie Liskov is the project manager in the Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice & Education (JCIPE) at Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia, PA). Julie enjoys working with internal and external stakeholders to ensure projects at the core of the center’s mission are implemented smoothly. She has a passion for working with faculty and administration to offer the students at Thomas Jefferson University interprofessional educational programming, ensuring future patients will benefit from their interprofessional clinical care.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: Complex care teams that work together longitudinally in training or in practice can benefit from debriefing to improve teamwork over time. However, it can be challenging to objectively assess teamwork quickly, reflect on strengths, and provide constructive feedback to team members.
Aims: This Lightning Talk will address the theme “Preparing Students for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice,” describing a novel formative assessment approach used in an interprofessional education program. In particular, this presentation will describe 1) how the Jefferson Teamwork Observation…
Seminar Description:
How do we know IPE interventions are effective and participants are gaining proficiency in IPEC Competencies? Multi-institutional studies are necessary to build the evidence base for interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPE/CP). They enable the practice community to understand the impact of IPE/CP on Quadruple Aim outcomes and study the efficacy of interventions across diverse clinical, educational, and geographical settings, and cultural groups.
Although the necessity for using common validated measures of interprofessional collaboration in multi-…