Jodi Kravitz, MBA
Program Director
Stroke Onward
Jodi Kravitz is Program Director and part of the founding team of Stroke Onward, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission of ensuring stroke survivors and their supporters have the resources needed to rebuild identities and rewarding lives. Jodi has always worked at the intersection of social mission and innovation. Previously, Jodi worked with FIRST LEGO League, an award winning nonprofit STEM inspiration program. Her responsibilities included program operations and partner relationships in > 80 countries. She has also worked in strategic planning and key roles for multiple national healthcare providers. Jodi received an MBA from Vanderbilt and BA from Yale University.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

BACKGROUNDFamily conferences involve the patient or client, their carepartner(s), and the interprofessional team in person- and family-centered communication about the individual’s condition, values, preferences, and future plans. Health professionals must have strong communication and collaboration skills, including group facilitation, counseling, problem solving, and conflict resolution.Two 90-minute interprofessional family conferencing simulations utilizing a standardized patient at different times in their post-stroke journey were developed, and piloted with students in physical therapy…