Jillian Rivard, PhD
Senior Research Analyst
Western University of Health Sciences
Jillian Rivard is a Senior Research Analyst for the Interprofessional Education (IPE) Department in the Center for Teaching and Excellence at Western University of Health Sciences. She coordinate research activities for IPE initiatives, including curriculum improvement efforts, summarizing student-centered outcomes of IPE success, and preparing reports for internal distribution and external publication.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

This talk will summarize outcomes from an interprofessional learning activity involving 842 students from nine disciplines in 130 small teams. Students reported high satisfaction and improved interprofessional competencies, however anecdotal evidence suggests variability as a function of team membership. Challenges with assessing the impact of team membership will be discussed.
This talk will discuss a variety of outcomes from a student-led DEIAA workshop delivered to 825 first-year, pre-clinical students in a virtual IPE course. Topics included white privilege, racism in medical history, and bias response strategies. Pre- and post-workshop assessments showed significant increases in students’ self-reported knowledge and confidence.
The IPE curriculum at Western University of Health Sciences (WesternU) is one of the most comprehensive in the United States and involves first and second-year students across nine disciplines coming together to learn with, from, and about one another in a curriculum guided by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative’s (IPEC) competency framework. In a continued effort to evaluate the short-, intermediate-, and long-term impacts of the IPE program, this study expanded existing assessment strategies to measure important program outcomes across all years of study, including third and…