Jeremiah Atkinson, MD
University of Minnesota
Dr. Atkinson is a PGY1 in the Psychiatry residency. He has actively contributed to the development of the curriculum presented at the Nexus Summit and will be assuming a leadership role of the Leadership and Interprofessionalism Thread in July 2022.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

During this lightning talk, attendees will learn from the two examples of interprofessional team-based care formats in psychiatry clinics. One team is well established based on a national model for treating first episode psychosis. Another clinic switched to all team-based care delivery in academic year 2023-2024, and can share the challenges and solutions which have come up over the course of this year. The presenter team will include two faculty with expertise in the above clinics as well as a psychiatry resident who practices in both settings. This topic addresses the summit theme of “…