Heather Endy, DNP, MSN, RN
Doctor of Nursing, Faculty
Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences
Dr. Heather Endy DNP, MSN, RN has been a registered nurse for 17 years and a faculty member at the Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences, Nursing Program since 2012. Dr. Endy has a background in Intensive Care and currently educates the senior level nursing students. She has several degrees from Alvernia University, most recently graduating with her Doctor of Nursing Practice with a focus in Health System Leadership in 2020. She has been integral part of incorporating interdisciplinary simulations into the current pre-licensure nursing program and enjoys being able to assist her students in having their “lightbulb” moments.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The purpose of this lightning talk is to highlight the creation, implementation, and assessment of a multi-university interprofessional education (IPE) experience which involved medicine, nursing, and pharmacy students. This education experience used IPE as a pedagogical approach to intersect ethical principles and communication strategies on healthcare provider (HCP) substance use disorder (SUD). Since the need for IPE is well-established in the scholarly literature and is an accreditation requirement in all three professional programs; it was an ideal approach to address the necessary…