Grace Kanzawa-Lee, PhD, BSN, RN
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan
Dr. Kanzawa-Lee is a registered nurse and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. She is a member of the University of Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education (C-IPE) TEAMS Pilot Committee and Nursing Interprofessional Education Workgroup. She teaches in the undergraduate nursing program and has co-led the pilot study of the IPE TEAMS Activities in the undergraduate nursing program and a study evaluating a video simulation of the interdisciplinary medication administration process. She is passionate about improving patient outcomes and safety through enhancing effective interprofessional collaboration and reducing barriers to communication.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

This seminar is designed to share the efforts of five Big 10 Universities in Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in advancing interprofessional education (IPE) in the clinical learning environment (CLE), with the intent to spur application and creativity across institutions nationally. Initiatives will be compared and contrasted conceptually to maximize relevance and utility for attendees, including initiative design and implementation, organizational level overseeing initiatives, model of integration across academic programs in the context of clinical placements,…