Erin Watson, PsyD
Clinical Health Psychologist
San Francisco VA
Dr. Erin C Watson, PsyD, is an Associate Clinical Professor at UCSF and Associate Director of Psychology within the EdPACT program. She is a Clinical Health Psychologist in practice, National Motivational Interviewing Consultant, and UCSF Diversity Champion. She enjoys bridging integrated care psychology and interprofessional training and education within primary care.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

This lightening talk describes a longitudinal diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) curriculum for interprofessional primary care learners training at the San Francisco VA Healthcare Center. DEIB is often taught in a single or stand-alone session, yet DEIB encompasses topics that require ongoing training and practice to develop deeper knowledge, skills, and abilities. Given this, we introduced a year-long curriculum in September 2021 entitled Moving to the Front (MTTF). The curriculum is integrated into an interprofessional training program that includes psychology externs and…