Doha Awad, Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate 2025
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Doha Awad, Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate 2025, is currently completing independent study credits focused on evaluating introductory IPPE experiences through the analysis of student reflections.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Many health profession accreditation standards, including those leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy program degree, require graduating students to be team-ready. Despite this, early interprofessional education is often focused on didactic learning with, from, and about learners from other professions while reserving interprofessional experiential learning to later in a curriculum when students can apply knowledge gained during their didactic curriculum. Despite this, students may benefit from early interprofessional experiential learning opportunities, including observation and reflection.…
Background:Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) accreditation standards require students to participate in both didactic and experiential interprofessional activities. Historically, within the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy (SOP), interprofessional experiential activities were reserved for advanced students who had already completed didactic interprofessional education activities and had an understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and baseline knowledge of their future profession. Introductory pharmacy practice experiences (IPPEs) were revised to incorporate early didactic…