Diane Quinn, PharmD, BCACP
Clinical Associate Professor
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (PCP) | School of Health Professions Saint Joseph’s University (SJU) | University City Campus
Diane H. Quinn, PharmD, BCACP is an Clinical Associate Professor at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (PCP) at St. Joseph's University (SJU) and practices as an Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Veteran Affairs Medical Center. Over the last 12 years, she has extensive experience creating, implementing, and assessing IPE activities and was recently named the PCP curricular committee liaison for IPE and IPP initiatives. She has presented a variety of IPE initiatives in multiple platforms such as posters, presentations, and workshops. These speaking engagements have occurred at local, national, and international conferences.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The purpose of this lightning talk is to highlight the creation, implementation, and assessment of a multi-university interprofessional education (IPE) experience which involved medicine, nursing, and pharmacy students. This education experience used IPE as a pedagogical approach to intersect ethical principles and communication strategies on healthcare provider (HCP) substance use disorder (SUD). Since the need for IPE is well-established in the scholarly literature and is an accreditation requirement in all three professional programs; it was an ideal approach to address the necessary…