Diane Ferguson, BSN, RN
Director, H-E-B Clinical Skills Center
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Diane Ferguson, BSN, RN, is the Director of the H-E-B Clinical Skills Center at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio (UT Health SA). The Center focuses primarily on SP simulation. Diane has been in SP education since 1995. She started the SP programs at UT Health SA and the University of South Florida and has been invited to teach the principles of SP methodology internationally. Diane co-authored the chapter “Management of SP programs” in Defining Excellence in Simulation Programs, a Society for Simulation in Healthcare publication and served on the ASPE Board of Directors in multiple positions. Diane is a member of the LINC Simulation IPE Initiative representing the Long School of Medicine and simulation.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Background, Problem, Aims: To strengthen IPE simulation focused on interprofessional communication, part of preparing students for collaborative practice, health professions educators should deliberately incorporate hybrid instructional methods to bypass logistical hurdles and longitudinal approaches to achieve higher-level learning outcomes. The LINC Simulation IPE Experience at UT Health San Antonio—designed as part of a university-wide effort to do just that—began in 2023 with 769 students representing 11 different professions at/near the middle of their respective educational programs.…