Dana Farabaugh, MD
Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education
Drexel University
Dana Farabaugh, MD, is a professor in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology and senior associate dean for undergraduate medical education at Drexel University College of Medicine. Dr. Farabaugh completed the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Fellowship Program in 2023. She has received additional training and certification in inter-professional education, including Advanced Master Trainer in TeamSTEPPs and a certificate in medical simulation from the Harvard Institute for Medical Simulation. Dr. Farabaugh currently serves on multiple committees that oversee certification for obstetrics & gynecology as well as physician licensing.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The purpose of this lightning talk is to highlight the creation, implementation, and assessment of a multi-university interprofessional education (IPE) experience which involved medicine, nursing, and pharmacy students. This education experience used IPE as a pedagogical approach to intersect ethical principles and communication strategies on healthcare provider (HCP) substance use disorder (SUD). Since the need for IPE is well-established in the scholarly literature and is an accreditation requirement in all three professional programs; it was an ideal approach to address the necessary…