Christine Kaunas, EdD, MPH
Assistant Vice President for Interprofessional Education & Research
Texas A&M University

Christine Kaunas, EdD, MPH is the Assistant Vice President for Interprofessional Education & Research at the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Health Science Center (now TAMU Health).  Since 2016, she has been working with all TAMU Health units - the schools of dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and public health – to provide leadership for interprofessional education (IPE) across the institution.  Her work has focused on building infrastructure for and removing barriers to IPE, providing faculty development for IPE, and designing, implementing, and supporting interprofessional student learning. Dr. Kaunas' research has focused on the relationship between institutional characteristics and IPE implementation. She is one of five founding members of the Texas Interprofessional Education Consortium, a Community of Practice engaged in elevating IPE across the state. In addition to her leadership role in IPE, she serves as an assistant lecturer in the TAMU Department of Health Policy & Management in the School of Public Health.

Dr. Kaunas received her bachelor’s degree in sociology from DePaul University in Chicago, her master’s degree in public health (epidemiology) from San Diego State University, and her doctoral degree in higher education administration from Texas Tech University.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

As the Texas IPE Consortium approaches its tenth anniversary, it stands as a model for developing and sustaining leadership in interprofessional practice and education across Texas. The consortium provides: annual meetings focused on best practices in IPE, virtual conversations in IPE; in-person and virtual trainings for TeamSTEPPS, IPE Facilitation and Rapid Teaming; and has established a fellows program to mentor and support leaders in IPE. The consortium has grown to approximately 39 institutions representing private universities, public universities, community partners, and healthcare…