Anna Strewler, MS, AGPCNP-BC
Nurse Practitioner, Co-Director
San Francisco VA
Anna Strewler is an Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSF and Co-Directs the San Francisco VA Health Care System’s EdPACT program (formerly a Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education). EdPACT is an interprofessional primary care training program for graduate and post-graduate learners to teach learners team-based care for Veterans through relationship-centered workplace learning. She is a primary care nurse practitioner and a women’s health provider.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

This lightening talk describes a longitudinal diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) curriculum for interprofessional primary care learners training at the San Francisco VA Healthcare Center. DEIB is often taught in a single or stand-alone session, yet DEIB encompasses topics that require ongoing training and practice to develop deeper knowledge, skills, and abilities. Given this, we introduced a year-long curriculum in September 2021 entitled Moving to the Front (MTTF). The curriculum is integrated into an interprofessional training program that includes psychology externs and…