Alex Vlachakis, BS, PharmD Candidate 2027
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Alex Vlachakis, BS, Doctor of Pharmacy candidate 2027, is a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy and recently completed an interprofessional collaborative practice course in HIV care this past semester. Alex has 8 years' experience working as part of a healthcare team at a community hospital. They aspire to work as a clinical pharmacist with interests in emergency medicine, infectious disease, and intensive care.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

While many professional accreditation programs require students to learn from, with, and about other professions, it is not commonplace for students to have the educational opportunity to be a part of an interprofessional team working on collaboration and teamwork throughout an entire semester. Twenty-one students representing five disciplines at the University of Wisconsin-Madison participated in an Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in HIV elective course focused on foundational knowledge and skills in interprofessional practice through the lens of HIV. This course was co-taught by…